hiya, i'm aimee.

I’m a graphic designer from Jacksonville, Florida. I have a BFA from UNF with a concentration in Graphic Design + Digital Media, and now I get to make stuff look cool for a living.

You know what’s really funny is that I discovered design accidentally, when I realized I HATED my photography major. I had no backup plan, but I walked into my advisor’s office, dropped my major, and told him to put me on the course track for the design program. I had never taken a design course in my life, but thankfully it worked out. The first pre-requisite class was called Basic Computer Imaging, and the only project I remember doing was in Illustrator. Looking back, it was—admittedly—not very good.

However, I very clearly remember presenting it to the class, and my professor seemed astonished that I had never worked in an Adobe program before.

I felt instant relief, like I was finally on the right path.  And I got an A+. (If you ever meet me in real life, ask me about this project and I’ll tell you the funny story about why this was a MIRACLE.)

That feeling of being on the right path has never really gone away. Even when I have the wooooorst bouts of imposter syndrome, am approaching burn out, or have to google how to do something in Photoshop for the millionth time (you know you do it too), I feel like I’m doing what I’m supposed to be doing. 

Design brought color to my world. I’m just out here trying to return the favor.

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