Dot Dot Dash

Skincare made with U in mind. This diffusion brand is the Gen-Z little sister of the lifestyle skincare brand, Patchology. As Gen-Z influences dominate the market, Dot Dot Dash enters the playing field with no-nonsense, time-conscious skincare solutions. Just dot, dot, and dash out the door.

With the increased focus that Gens Z and Alpha have on clean ingredients and effective skincare, as well as tighter budgets than their Millennial counterparts, Dot Dot Dash wiggled into that empty middle ground and hit the market with affordable, effective, fun, and educational products that can be done on tight schedules, on-the-go, or any time, even in public. Side note: morning dog walks are made better with cooling eye patches.

With refreshed budgets and new goals for the brand at the start of this year, I was tasked with pushing the old, outsourced packaging designs to freshen up for launch at a *ahem*  large U.S. retailer launches in late 2024. 

Branding by the brilliant Kate Zane. All images and renders property of Rare Beauty Brands, Inc.

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